Monday 18 April 2016

Life Lessons: The people with the power are never the most useful. Never.

I'm still learning how to function productively as a person, and am always surprised when things I should already know about how I should live are reaffirmed. So here you go guys, my best tips on the philosophy of living, garnered from 3 decades of haphazard living:

-treat everything like a job. No, not with distain and reluctance, but as if you are getting paid (at least somewhat decently). Including dating, making friends, calling your mother. I am a terrible daughter.

-always take the lead. Group inertia is the worst. People just look around hoping that someone else will tell them what to do, or make the decision. And you rationalize it because, "I'm the most junior" or "I'm new" or whatever. It's dumb, and people will always appreciate it when you make that effort to not be the lemming.

-never stop networking/hustling. A pity, because I really dislike both of these things. Precisely why I avoid sales/marketing jobs as much as I can. But life is about being a greedy little opportunist, while also throwing out tasty bits of bacon whenever you can to attract the other greedy opportunists, who inevitably will have other tasty morsels that they don't like (cheesecake bites, perhaps? or fruit leather?)

-don't ever ignore the "secretary". The people with the power are never the most useful. Never.

yeah that's all i got right now.

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