Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Gangs getting into white collar crimes like bank fraud !

Are you familiar with some popular US,TV series like "Major Crimes" , "Blue Blood"  etc... If you have been following these shows or at least follow the news from the states, you would have a fair idea of the gangs in America. In the past gangs are associated with violent crimes & drugs.  But lately these guys are moving into "bank fraud" !!!!

Very good show !!!
Some have been caught. Allegedly these gang members created & deposited fake checks & then quickly withdrew money from the accounts before the banks (including some big banks) could identify the checks as fake. 

Usually these gangs that TV portray  are usually kinda dumb but the real ones are far from it! Bank fraud & Identity theft requires sophisticated thought process that requires technology & an understanding of the banking system. Also these sort of crimes are much more lucrative , harder to detect & carry lighter prison sentence.

Well as we all know, bad things spread fast. Hmmm.... we are kinda worry this will spread here. So is good to keep your checks properly, away from anyone. Passwords be kept secret. You'll be surprise, according to the news many people are seriously using 123456 as their passwords! Please be cautious!

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